Sunday, January 13, 2008

pick a tutu?

gotta focus! f-o-c-u-s! arghhhhh.... of all subjects to screw up, it had to be accounts! yes, i've always hated accounts. all the figures and formats can drive anyone (except for those nerds... ahem! sorry! heehe) over the cliff to their watery deathbed down below. i wouldnt mind if it was any other subject. really. cudnt it be english? hahaha~ it would definitely be more tolerable. i hate the lectures, the tutorials, the extra classes... tests! exams! argh...

i cried after that. i didnt know how i started ... but i knew i was actually talking to olivia and evelyn. i had just turned away from bumping into the two irritating lil gurls who backstabbed me... okay~that is NOT the point! hahah~ then i started crying. and Prinz was there too. being the sweetie, he tried to cheer me up. and my best buds, well, they did the same... gosh. i love them lots. *hugs*
i am actually feeling hyper.... don't i always? i guess... thats just me handling the news. maybe i will feel really bad/sad after a day or two. then i can really say, AW SHYT! EFFFF! AHHHH! *refer to this post Must Do - Self Denial lines for more*

gotta forget! F-O-R-G-E-T! really have to. no joke. this is really messing up my plans. to forget this, is to pass my examinations and graduate from college as fast as possible. forget wad? yes... i shud forget i ever liked a blur and indecisive fello. i mean, how much more blur can a guy get?! do i have to spell it out? gosh... hahah~ it wud save me the heartache and time. at the same time, i shud have just accepted the musical guy that had been always there fer me. i regret rejecting him... now we're back to normal friends but with abit of awkwardness... like they say,"cant have the cake and eat it."