Saturday, January 5, 2008


i wish college would simply mean, a formal and simple place to further studies WITHOUT the complications of friends and silly lovey-dovey baggage. MUST it come as a package?! i'm tired of it.. honestly, may i have a refund? or just revert me back to the basic! i dont want the premium anymore!

i wish i was a small lil kid all over again. naive and oblivious to the any happenings in the world. somehow selfishly absorbed in my own perfect lil world. i never needed to worry about hurting others or being hurt.

" ... do u see him ever admitting the same feelings u freely show? if not, walk away now..." to quote Maximus, my very own genius of a friend. talking to u on the phone is enough somehow... enuff to make me feel that the world isnt too bad for a while.

i miss my best bud Ben... but reli... even a phonecall isnt enuff... meeting him wud need more than a day to get SOME of the things that hv been stuck in our hearts for a reli long time, to start spilling. for now, i just need these two as pillars.

unless things change... unless prayers are answered... unless... yes,Mark, unless i make the pig/warthog swim. and unless the guy suddenly developed sufficient guts to make him worthy of a man :)