Wednesday, January 9, 2008

must do-

Eight Self Denial Lines often used
8. This is not God's will...
7. I knew it from the start this wasn't gonna work...
6. Moving on now. no big deal...
5. I still have a chance. I'll just try harder tomorrow...
4. He’s playing hard to get...
3. I'm fine.
2. I didn't pray hard enough...
1. I'm actually in a nightmare, waking up any moment now...

Eight things I plan to do before I die:
1. Own a hotel
2. Join the mayhem inside the parliament debate!
3. Meet Pak Lah and give him a piece of my mind
4. Learn how to play ‘chow dai di’ without help
5. Read the whole bible
6. Drive a Bentley/Rolls Royce
7. Travel and see the Seven Wonders of the World!
8. Tell that special person… “ I hate u…but u noe I’m lying XP” heheh

Eight things I could do:

1. Sleep like a pig
2. Laugh like a witch
3. Think like a kid
4. Go absolutely hyper
5. Scream really loud
6. shop till I drop
7. reorganize my life
8. spend more time with family

Eight Celebrity crushes:
1. Chad Michael Murray
2. Ian Somerhalder
3. Hugh Laurie
4. Shane West
5. Josh Holloway
6. Micheal Rosenbaum
7. Ashton Kutcher
8. Johnny Depp

Eight often repeated words:
1. huh?
2. tsk!
3. waat?!
4. ohmigosh~
5. oookay
6. harhar~yea right..
7. amen
8. ya lah~ ya lah~

Eight physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1.height… gotta b taller than me
2.squared shoulders
3.pretty eyes hair a physical trait? lips (haahaa)
6.rugged beard
7.cute butt? *I’m running out of ideas!
8. argh! I giv up! I don't exactly look at the persons face.. it's like 20% of my requirements!