Thursday, January 8, 2009

extreme opposites

dont you just hate people that... well, use you? they're all nice and helpful at first, but when they achieve wad they want, they suddenly fling you aside and call you up only when they need you once again? gowd, i hate it.

worse is, when you cant say no to them...cuz seriously, i have no heart to do that to them and heck, i'm pretty much a softie. anyone watched YesMan with Jim Carey in it? yeah... i'm one of the many mad followers of being a Yes(wo)Man!

yea... i'm a really bitter friend when it comes to this certain two people. both of them are EXACTLY the same! they would, as i see it, slowly try their utmost best to become your very close fren, help you, accompany you, and i think all these while, these two were jsut trying to get info and get closer to one another via me... now they've hooked up. yea... both of them are opposite genders! but they're exactly the same! now that they have each other, they seemed to have forgotten everyone including me and our group of friends! they would decline going out with us but when they do have a problem, such as they had a argument or other minor couple-related-problems, both of them wud be hopping/jumping/prancing back to us! wad the f*** la!

i hate it but i dont have the heart to say no. please! tell me wad d F do i do!?

on a more cheerful note, OMG! SEVEN ROSES?! a rose a day!? madness.... i'll leeave it to you to guess where and whom i got the roses from eh? muahx! <3>

love love love

blood red, orangey yellow, light yellow, pure white, pinky white, light pink and the .... i'm sorry, the light red rose crumbled! sobs!