Sunday, August 10, 2008


playing with marshmellows! lips gone all white too!

out of the blue... with not much reason at all.... a barbecue is organized by Calvan. hahah! it was a surprising event la. asking him wads the reason behind the bbq, guessed d answer? just for frenship. isn't that refreshing? i find it so... curious. ahahaha! how many people wud go thru the trouble of organizing such a thing just for the fun of it and for frenship? not many. honestly, i thot it was so thoughtful and sweet.

got there a bit earlier to help out. wilson n yvon were alredy there dealing with the sausages and crab meat. hehehe... i joined them ... in a matter of minutes.. all was done. yvon left for home while calvan went off to fetch the gurls, i sat at the sofa listening to wilson go on and ooooon about sound systems. hehe! the rest of the guys- kelvin, peyherng, tay, kenny- came and ohmigosh... they were fooling around and got some of the more DECENT acts on photo...

the rest of the night was pretty orite as i hung out with the gurls-terenz, ivy,regina,yvon- taking silly pics and i learnt how to skewer a raw chickenwing. yes... i'm dat sakai. blek! the guys were hilarious and gentlemanly at some parts. hehehe! i'm only referring to... owh nevermind! i like the part where all the guys wud do the cooking and.... the cleaning afterwards! hehehe!

cuz we gurlies got away to watch movie! but... instead we changed our minds halfway, and off to burger king.

Olympic 2008 opening ceremony was worldclass performance la! amazing, fantastic and so blardy well thought! thumbs up and hats off China!